Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sleepin' on Vintage Pillowcases

I just love old pieces that have a history, and that may be passed on from generation to generation. My 89 year old grandmother received these pillowcases as a wedding present many years ago, and now she has passed them on to our family. It's always nice to have extra cases on hand for a quick change. There are millions of vintage pillowcases on Ebay, at antiques stores, and flea markets. It's a fairly inexpensive way to add a beautiful touch to your bedding, and to mix things up a bit. I hope to collect a few more myself!
(vintage case in young girl's room)

Image: Kids' Rooms - BHG


  1. Your grandmother's pillow cases are so pretty! I'm huge fan of vintage linens - they really add interest personality to a room.
