Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am starting a little collection of photos for paint color inspiration. I am definitely thinking about something in the green-ish / blue-ish color family. I'm just not sure if I want blue or green to be more dominant. Hmmmm...



(Bloesem Kids)


  1. OMG, I LOVE everything about that second room. Wall color, couch, pillows, and wall decor.

  2. What room is the color for? (Not that I have advice, just curious!!)

  3. Second room is my favorite!! Love the
    color-love the way the pillows are in so
    many different colors.Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Esther, I actually thought of you when I saw it. It's SO YOU. The coffee table even looks a little surfboard-esque!

    Rebekka, I'm just keeping it on file. I'm actually not 100% sure, but I have a couple rooms in mind. I'll keep you posted! ;) I just like the color.

  5. I was thinking about your site yesterday! I was in an art gallery and she wanted to show off the bathroom she just painted, Robin's Egg Blue...I love color, and I noticed she painted her lamp shades like I do...

  6. I would love to see a photo of your painted lamp shades!
